July 31, 2021
Cute commission
I tend to have a 'can-do' attitude when it comes to commissions, to a certain extent anyway. But when I was asked to replicate a vintage camera case I was a little scared and doubted my ability to do what was being asked of me...and of course I said 'YEAH, why not?!'
When replicating a vintage item (they tend to be the best designs, by the way) I usually pull it apart and make sure I get all of the measurements and different sections accurately. However, I wasn't able to do that with this commission so I sort of drew around the case where possible and hoped for the best.

As the white leather wasn't structured enough for a case, I bonded some brown suede on the reverse and stitched it together to give a much more rigid body for the camera. Cutting the perfect circles for the lense and leads was not an easy task (as you can see with the smaller circles, they're a bit off) but once the case was assembled, they actually didn't look too bad!

And here is the finished product, which, I am quite happy with! A reminder that we CAN achieve anything we put our mind to, no matter how challenging it may be.